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She Invests will let you practice the investing in a safe and easy environment.
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My Story

“I want women to have wealth. But I know investing can be scary.
It was scary for me.”

Anna Slodka-turner, FOUNDER

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Our Mission : Closing the investment gap


of men aged 25-35 have an investment account


of women aged 25-35 have an investment account


men have twice as many investable assets, excluding properties and pensions, as women

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We talk about closing the pay gap, making sure that women earn as much as men but that is not enough, we need to close the ‘investment gap’ - to build equal wealth.

For every woman who invests 2 or even 3 men do! That starts at the age of 17 and continues until 65! She Invests aims to empower women to invest. We do so by:

  • Calculating your investment gap – how much would you have invested if you were a man your age and your income?

  • Practicing investing with ‘virtual’ money but real assets – simple and safe way to practice

  • Sharing stories of women, and how they became investors – it may be scary for you, it was scary for me and so many women around me. Let’s share stories.


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She Invests will let you practice the investing in a safe and easy environment

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